How to Achieve Operational Resilience with a Connected GRC Strategy

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Operational resilience is critical to the safety and profitability of an organisation. It gives the ability to anticipate, respond to, and quickly recover from potential setbacks such as cyberattacks, natural disasters, or other events that could disturb the organisation. Operational resilience requires organisations to put into practice an integrated governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) approach.

Ensuring compliance and managing risk in every part of the business is done through an integrated GRC strategy. It includes managing risks, assuring compliance, and encouraging effective team communication. Creating a culture of compliance, training staff members in the organisation's GRC strategy, and creating policies and processes to guarantee compliance are all included in achieving operational resilience.

Operational resilience is essential for any organisation, particularly in today's more internationally networked and linked business world. To attain operational resilience, organisations must establish a comprehensive governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) strategy. Through the integration of several GRC approach components, organisations may construct a robust and comprehensive risk management system that can identify, evaluate, and manage risks with speed and efficiency.

To achieve operational resilience with a connected governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) strategy, organisations can follow these steps:

1. Define key objectives: Start by clearly defining your operational resilience objectives. This could include maintaining continuous business operations, ensuring compliance with regulations, and effectively managing risks.

2. Adopt an integrated approach: Implement a connected GRC strategy that integrates various aspects of governance, risk management, and compliance. This guarantees data sharing between various functions and the interconnection of all activities.

3. Create a solid framework: Create a solid framework for risk management that locates, evaluates, and reduces risks in all operational domains. Risk identification, evaluation, treatment, and monitoring procedures should all be included in this framework.

4. Enhance communication and collaboration: Foster a culture of communication and collaboration between different stakeholders involved in operational resilience. This ensures that information is shared effectively, and that decision-making is collaborative.

5. Leverage technology: Invest in GRC technology solutions that can help automate and streamline processes. This could include risk management software, compliance management systems, and data analytics tools. The use of technology can improve efficiency, accuracy, and agility in managing operational resilience. Make technology-driven investments to improve risk reporting, monitoring, and evaluation. Make data-driven decisions and initiative-taking risk management possible by utilising data analytics to uncover patterns, trends, and emerging threats.

6. Conduct regular assessments: Regularly assess the effectiveness of your operational resilience strategy and make necessary improvements. This could involve conducting risk assessments, compliance audits, and operational reviews. Use the insights gained from these assessments to continuously enhance your strategy.

7. Continuously monitor and report: Implement a monitoring and reporting system that provides real-time visibility into the organisation's operational resilience. This enables timely identification of issues and initiative-taking decision-making to address any gaps or potential risks.

8. Foster a culture of resilience: Create a culture within the organisation that promotes resilience and encourages employees to be initiative-taking in managing risks and compliance. This could involve training programmes, awareness campaigns, and incentives for employees to participate in operational resilience initiatives. Educate and train employees at all levels to understand and embrace operational resilience principles. Encourage a culture of risk awareness and accountability so that everyone takes responsibility for managing and mitigating risks.

9. Examine your current situation: Begin by performing a comprehensive evaluation of your current GRC framework, considering all your data, systems, and procedures. Determine what needs to be done to close any gaps or improve the situation.

10. Establish your objectives for operational resilience: Establish explicit goals and objectives and clearly describe what operational resilience means for your company. This will help guide your overall strategy and ensure that everyone is aligned.

11. Adopt a risk-based strategy. Pay special consideration to identifying and ranking operational threats that can cause problems affecting the daily operations of your business. Understanding the possible impact of these risks and creating suitable mitigation plans entails conducting risk assessments, scenario planning, and stress testing.

12. Become more proficient in risk management: Develop effective risk management procedures, including monitoring, identification, evaluation, and mitigation. Use technology to automate these procedures and provide real-time tracking and reporting, such as risk management software.

13. Reinforce your compliance program: Make sure that all applicable laws, rules, and industry standards are covered in depth and current within your compliance programme. Enforce these standards through the implementation of controls, rules, and processes, and periodically evaluate and track adherence.

14. Establish robust governance and oversight: Make sure that your operational resilience initiatives are accountable for and overseen. Offer direction and leadership on GRC operations and establish governance structures, such as a special GRC committee or steering group.

15. Always monitor and enhance: Evaluate your GRC approach regularly, determine its efficacy, and make the required modifications considering shifting risk environments, legal requirements, and business demands. Find areas that need improvement and keep an eye on measurements and performance all the time.

Technology is another tool that organisations can use to achieve operational resilience. Automated technologies can be used to gather and evaluate data to find hazards, monitor compliance, and identify and react to threats. According to regulatory requirements, technology can also be used to establish and maintain a secure environment.


Overview of GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) Strategy

It is also imperative for businesses to ensure that the right people are assigned to support their operational resilience projects. This entails designating a certain employee to supervise the firm's GRC plan's implementation and maintenance. As well as having the ability and skills to recognise and manage risk, the team members must also possess the flexibility to address unforeseen problems.

When companies aim for operational resiliency, they must make sure they have appropriate procedures in place that guarantee compliance while lowering risk. This approach requires a related GRC plan, so companies need to be sure they have the right one in place. Employers can create a safe environment in the workplace by using technology to create it while keeping an eye on compliance and proactively managing risks.

Attaining operational resilience requires organisations to first understand the foundations of their GRC strategy. Establishing a system for monitoring and evaluating risk management operations, creating a comprehensive set of standards and regulations, and identifying the most crucial areas for risk and compliance are all examples of this. Furthermore, businesses need to take action to ensure that their GRC plan is appropriately integrated into their broader corporate strategy, aligned with their goals, and respects potential risks.

Companies must ensure that everyone engaged in developing the GRC strategy understands their roles and responsibilities. Both internal and external stakeholders—such as managers and controllers, including auditors—are accounted for in discussions. To make sure that all stakeholders are aware of their GRC responsibilities, organisations must also create an efficient communication and training program.



To guarantee the efficacy of their GRC strategy, organisations must also make sure that it is routinely evaluated and updated. This entails evaluating the organisation's progress towards its GRC goals, doing recurring evaluations of the organisation's risk management operations, and keeping an eye on the organisation's compliance with industry rules. Organisations can make sure they are ready to respond to risks and strong in the face of difficulty by putting into place an efficient GRC plan and routinely assessing and upgrading it. By taking these actions, companies may guarantee that their operations will continue even in the face of changing regulations and dangers and develop operational resilience.

Madhuri P

Madhuri, a passionate writer who relishes creating engaging articles. As a content writer, I excel at creating captivating blogs, infographics, and articles that engage viewers is to elevate and captivate readers through the power of words to connect with them and offer value.

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